HSE West – OT Service Strategy
We were commissioned by the Health Service Executive to review its occupational therapy services in Galway, and to formulate a strategy for improving accessibility, effectiveness and efficiency.
Our methodology consisted of a review of relevant literature and internal documents, analysis of primary and secondary activities in delivering the service, and extensive interviews with service managers and staff.
The strategy identified what needed to be done to bring internal capabilities up to an evolving external environment. We made recommendations to improve access (prioritise those on waiting lists), reduce waiting lists and waiting times (do “today’s work today” and “batch” clients with similar needs) and optimise HRM (structure workload of newly qualified OTs to match their skills and experience).
We also made recommendations for streamlining procurement, inventory and logistics (to prevent avoidable waste of valuable aids and appliances), and utilising ICT for resource allocation and service management. Finally, we recommended performance indicators focused on “waiting lists and waiting times for assessment, intervention, equipment and review” and for “service quality and client satisfaction”.